
Warehouse 13: The Text Adventure 2nd Progress Update

A lot has been accomplished since the first update, but I still need to do a lot more. So far I’ve…

  • Created all of the Warehouse rooms
  • Added all of the artifacts to the rooms
  • Created a searchable artifact database
  • Added Artie, Myka, Pete, Steve, Claudia, and HG as characters the player can interact with
  • Created the first goal, which is to meet all of the characters

The only left to do before I’m ready to post a testable beta version is to create conversation replies for the characters. The player is able to ask the characters about things, and if the thing is a keyword I’ve included in the game, the character will give a response. The problem is that it’s hard to come up with ~100 different responses per character. Coding is easy compared to this. I’m hoping to have all of the responses completed in the next couple of days.

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